「Show & Tell 」是強化英文描述最好的方法,選一張圖鉅細靡遺地描述它,例如圖中人物的動作、空間的動線、照片傳達的意境,找出自己的英文裡缺了什麼。
1."The" |
Go on Fuxing and the end, you'll see the Renai Road. 沿著復興南路直走,就會碰到仁愛路。 |
Go straight along Fuxing and you'll see Renai Road. |
很多人會在路名前加"the",其實不需要,除非路名本身就有The,像是第五大道,The Fifth Avenue。 |
2. |
Turn left and you'll meet Renai circle. 左轉會碰到仁愛圓環。 |
Turn left and you'll reach Renai roundabout. |
圓環的正確說法是roundabout。 |
3. |
You walk the circle and you'll find the Zhongshan hospital 沿著圓環走半圈就會到中山醫院了。 |
Walk along the roundabout for half the way and you'll reach Zhongshan hospital. |
4.到要怎麼說 |
除了you'll see 某地點,you'll find 某地點,還可以說:
Walk slightly down that road and you'll be at your destination.這條路再往下走一點,就到你的目的地了。
Walk slightly down that road and you'll reach Zhongshan hospital.
右轉、左轉除了turn right, turn left,美國人也說
Go straight along Zhongxiao East road.沿著忠孝東路直走。
Walk down Zhongxiao East road for one block.忠孝東路直走,過一個路口。