由史匹柏執導,今年3月上映的電影《一級玩家》(Ready Player One)獲得票房肯定。除精彩刺激的觀影體驗外,此片也隱含了對虛擬實境科技沈迷的警示,不同於其他科幻電影對未來較為悲觀的預測,史匹柏以相對積極的態度提醒大眾如何面對使人沈迷的科技發展。在此次節錄英國ITV新聞台的訪談中,他分享了自身的觀點。


Before you start

Steven Spielberg












史匹柏非常喜歡電玩遊戲,甚至曾用上癮來形容自己,1980年代街機遊戲才剛發行不久,他就砸了大錢買了一台。此後他的電玩狂熱與執導功力合而為一,以《搶救雷恩大兵》電影作為原型,開發了《榮譽勳章》(Medal of Honor)系列遊戲作品,該作品對遊戲產業造成的影響甚鉅,日後幾位曾擔任該遊戲設計的工作人員離開公司,另創了至今仍大受歡迎的射擊遊戲《決勝時刻》(Call of Duty)系列。





1982《E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial》E.T.外星人

1981《Raiders of the Lost Ark》法櫃奇兵(印第安那瓊斯系列)

1985《Back to the Future》回到未來

1993 《Jurassic Park》侏羅紀公園



1993 《Schindler’s List》辛德勒的名單 (1994 Academy Best Director, Best Picture)

1998 《Saving Private Ryan》搶救雷恩大兵 (1999 Academy Best Director)

2002《Catch Me If You Can》神鬼交鋒

2004《The Terminal》航站情緣

2015《Bridge of Spies》間諜橋


2018《Ready Player One》一級玩家 



——2018年3月史匹柏接受英國電視台ITV News針對新片《一級玩家》專訪

Q1: 電影《一級玩家》主要故事線為何?

I've been playing video games from the invention of the video games, but I wanted to make a movie that didn't require people to have played video games or have any knowledge of video games to be able to really go on this ride, because this is not a movie about a game. This is a movie about a place called "The Oasis" and this is a story about a digital world called "The Oasis" created by a mad genius named James Halliday, who holds a fantastic contest when he knows he's about to die to turn the rights of this entire world over to whoever finds a hidden Easter egg, hidden somewhere in this amazing universe called "The Oasis." It doesn't require you to be a video game player to be able to side and bond with our characters in searching for this egg.

我自從電動遊戲發明以來就一直有在打電動,但我想拍一部不需要打過電動,也不需具備任何相關電動知識就能欣賞的電影,這不是一部有關電動遊戲的電影,而 是關於一個「綠洲」這個地方的電影。「綠 洲」是一個由一位天才James Halliday創造的數位世界,他在得知自己快要死去時,舉辦了一個在「綠洲」尋找彩蛋的比賽,贏家可以繼承「綠洲」的經營權。你不需要是電動玩家,就能與劇中角色一同尋找這個彩蛋。



Today there is no "Oasis". All of our kids hold "Oasis" in their hands. Their devices can make them forget where they are, because they spend hours without even being aware the time is running away from them while they are on their devices. They can be learning good things on their devices. They can be making contributions to the world on their devices, but most of the time they're just Snapchatting and finding contacts with friends and trying to figure out what movie to go to on their devices. 


...We do get lost in escapism. I mean I got lost to television in 1950s. My parents got lost to radio shows in the 1920s and 30s. Social media happened now in this contemporary world. My kids lost to their personal computers. There's always something to distract us from our homework, from our responsibilities, and from, sometimes, making eye contact with each other. So this movie is a little bit of cautionary tale, but there's more fun than caution.


escapism (n.)(尤指透過幻想、閱讀等達到的)逃避現實,解脫


Q3: 我們應該要回到還沒「科技沉迷」(TECH OBSESSION) 的樣子嗎?

It's impossible to come back. There's no way we're able to come back from it. I mean coming back from that is just about you're having somebody in your live who says, "Put the phone down and talk to me." If you got to have somebody you respect enough, that will make you put down your device to have a conversation. Look, we've been stuck with all kinds of, let's call them portals, to escape through for 60, 65 years. That's not going to change. It's only going to become more revolutionary. It's going to become more involving. Virtual reality does put you in a world where everywhere you look you're in that world. And we just have to learn how to figure out how to fix the problems the world needs us to fix in the real world right now before we escape into a virtual world.






#80年代是Steven Spielberg的黃金年代

在《一級玩家》電影融合了大量流行文化元素,其中以1980年代的元素比例最高,有人問Steven Spielberg是不是因為80年代對他而言有特殊的意義,他表示80許多重要人生事件都發生在80年代,包含遇見現任妻子、迎接第一個小孩、拍攝第一部印第安那瓊斯電影等,並且當時的政治經濟環境相較於現在更為安穩,使他能在當時有蓬勃的發展。




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