- (有重點) "We've filled this position and are not accepting applications."(這項職務己經有適當人選,不再接受申請。) (因→果)
- (沒重點) "Unfortunately, the position you applied for has been filled and we are therefore no longer accepting applications."(很抱歉您應徵的職務目前己經有人選,因此我們不會再接受其他的應徵者)(果→因)
2. 如何運用主動策略、被動策略
- (主動→有活力)We like your ideas and will implement them next quarter.(我們喜歡你的想法,下一季前就會開始。)
- (被動→官樣)The ideas you proposed have been reviewed and found to be acceptable and appropriate. An implementation schedule has been developed with the goal of being completed by next month.(你提出來的想法已經被檢視過,我們發現它可行。會擬出執行計劃,以下一季開始執行為目標。)
- (主動→自找麻煩)We haven’t repaired your car. 我們還沒有修您的車。
- (被動→淡化目標)Your car has not been repaired. 您的車還沒有修好。
3. 讓句子和句子之間產生關連
- (缺乏關聯性)I appreciated the opportunity to speak with you yesterday, and I have revised the proposal.
- (有關聯性)I appreciated the opportunity to speak with you yesterday. Based on your advice, I have revised the proposal.(很感謝昨日有機會與您談話。根據你的建議,我們做了一些修改。)
4. 聽者導向,不要說者導向
- (說者導向)We know you’ll enjoy the many benefits of our new health care plan.
- (聽者導向)Your new health care plan will benefit you in many ways.(新的健保方案會帶給你很大幫助。)
5. 不要重複數字
(差)Thirteen (13) samples were collected. →不要重複數字。
(好)We collected 13 samples.
(差)There are approximately six hundred people working in this company.
(好)There are approximately 600 people working in this company.
(差)500 people will show up in the conference. →句首的數字拼出來。
(好)Five hundred people will show up in the conference.