
「片語動詞」,叫做 phrasal verbs,就是一個動詞加上另一個字 (通常是介係詞或副詞) 所形成的多字動詞。用中文邏輯講英文的人,多半不太會用片語動詞,想到「說服」,一定先想到"persuade",而不是"talk into"。想到「忍受」就想到"endure",而不是 "put up with"。

活用「片語動詞」,其實也沒有那麼難,入門只有一個原則:感覺它。片語動詞代表一種瞬間發生的動作(不是狀態):開燈(turn on)、關燈(turn off)、起飛(take off)、想起(think of)...都是「片語動詞」。


He shows the ability to adjust quickly to new situations. (show 展現,是延續狀態。)

I hope he shows up soon. (show up出現,是瞬間動作。)


01 Would you mind running off 5 copies of this document for me? 這份文件你可不可以幫我影印5份?

02 I look forward to hearing from you. 期待收到你的回覆。

03 Please carry on. I didn't mean to interrupt your presentation. 請繼續,我無意打斷你的簡報。

04 I hope you two can work out your problems. 兩位好好解決你們的問題吧!

05 She came up with a great proposal for the new campaign. 她提出很棒的計劃案。

06 Who is going to fill in while you're gone? 你請假時誰會是你的職務代理人?

07 It's difficult to get humor across in a second language. 用第二語言還能幽默溝通,是件難事。

08 I think we should go on with the meeting. There's not much time. 我覺得我們應該繼續開會,時間不多。

09 We're sorry that we'll have to turn down your application. 很抱歉我們必須拒絕你的申請。

10 Hurry up or you will fall behind! 快一點,否則要落後!■




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