(X)In doing such work, patience is needed.
(O)In doing such work, you must be patient.
1. 我的心一沈,幾乎無法保持鎮定。
(X) My heart sank and could hardly remain calm.
(O) My heart sank and I could hardly remain calm.
sank(下沈)的主詞是my heart,但could hardly remain calm(無法保持鎮定)的主詞不是my heart,要多加入一個主詞I。
2. Billy是個孤兒。當他三歲時,父母雙亡。
(X)Billy is an orphan. At the age of 3, his parents died.
(O)Billy is an orphan. When he was three years old, his parents died.
如果沒有加上he was,句子會變成Billy的雙親本身在三歲時雙亡。
3. 我洗澡時,我的手機響了。
(X)When taking a shower, my cellphone rang.
(O)When I was taking a shower, my cellphone rang.
4. 很多公司要求員工加班,在下班前完成所有工作。
(X)Many companies have required employees to work overtime, performing all tasks before going home.
(O)Employees are required to work overtime in many companies, performing all tasks before going home.
主詞many companies, 而performing的主詞應該employee, 所以應該要把主語改成employees。