
1、Challenge (v.) 
His poor performance gave rise to a challenge from his boss. (他差勁的表現遭到了老闆的批評。)

2、Hands-off 不干預的
He adopted a hands-off style of management, allowing the department heads to do as they saw fit. (他採取不干預的管理方式,容許各部門主管做他們認為恰當的事。)

3、Hands-on 實際的
Hands-on experience is not needed for his job. (他的工作不需要實務經驗。)
Hands-on training will not be provided at the workshop. (工作營並沒有提供實務訓練。)

*hands-on和 hands-off 的 hands 要用複數形

4、Follow through 把某件事情繼續負責追究到底
Follow up常聽常用,現在學一個立意更佳、更落實的字,「follow through」,這裡的through有貫穿到底的意見。
He is good at initiating projects but rarely follows through with anything. (他善於發動一項專案,卻無法堅持完成。)

5、Take the initiative 採取主動、帶頭
He took the initiative to apply for that position. (他主動申請那個職位。)
Why don’t we take the initiative and send them our plan before the meeting? (為什麼不在會議前主動把計劃送給他們呢?)

6、called in sick 請病假
Call in sick是常用片語,請病假就是這麼說的。
Many of our company’s employees called in sick today. (公司許多員工今天請病假。)
正式請假,也會用sick leave。
I need a sick leave for two days. (我需要請兩天病假。)

7、Bottom line 底限、盈虧、最重要的事
bottom line原意指的是財務報表上的最後一行的數字,這個數字代表盈虧、利潤。直接從字的表面來看,很容易會譯成「底線」。
Sales last month failed to add to the company's bottom line. (上個月的業績跌到最後底線了。)(意指公司完全沒有利潤)
Bottom line可以引申為關鍵、不能避免的事。如:
The bottom line is that we have to increase our sales or take a cut in pay. (重點是我們得提高業績,否則就要減薪。)
I can't go lower than US$2000. That's my bottom line. (我的底限是兩千美金,不能再低了。)




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