Accepting your darkest emotions is the key to psychological health

Even though emotions can be seen as “a joy, a depression, a meanness”, people are often told to not show negative emotions and encouraged to focus on the positive aspects.

Bad things happen to everyone, yet we are encouraged to strive to be positive which leads us to always strive for happiness and negate our true feelings.

However, recent research shows accepting negative emotions lead to lower chances of depression and anxiety.

Accepting lowers the effects of the negative emotions without affecting your positive emotions while being able to recognize your negative emotions is better than practicing mindfulness.

After conducting three separate studies (a survey, journal writing, and a public speaking test), researchers concluded that habitual acceptance leads to better mental health and lowers the effects of bad events in one’s life.

The more you practice acceptance the more natural it becomes, and research shows that it increases with age.


negate (v.) to deny the existence or truth of

mindfulness (n.) the practice of being aware of your body, mind, and feelings in the present moment, thought to create a feeling of calm

導讀人:Riley Bilgo
大學時主修生物基產品工程(Bio-based Products Engineering)與化學,喜歡將工程思維套用在運動、飲食以及製作音樂上。平常透過閱讀經濟、行為心理學、社會科學相關的文章,激發不同的思考路線。在韓國與台灣都有教學經驗,擅長用生動的方式與多元的內容領導學生進行對話。




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