在簡報中,「簡潔」、「明確」是報告的首要條件,我們發現學生常容易為了要確保聽者明白自己的意思,就在同一個概念上不斷重述,這是因為字沒有選對;此外,有些人因為想要展現專業,會刻意去選一些「難以駕馭」的字,這些字有時不太實際,老外也不常用,說了反而會增加誤會。這篇文章從提案步驟到選字細節(word choice),一步步強化你在台上的表達力。

Step 1. Begin with a Question 提問開頭,快速抓住眼球 


 (1) “Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water, or do you want to come with me and change the world?

 -Steve Jobs用這個提問成功挖腳百事可樂的總裁John Sculley

 (2) “Ask yourself are you better off now than you were four years ago?”

 - Ronald Reagan

 (3) “Rather than wanting to be an entrepreneur or making money–what are some useful things that you do that you wish existed in the world?”

 - Elon Musk


Have you ever noticed/thought...? 

You know how...?  

Rather than...would you rather...? 

Would you want to...or would you rather...?


Step 2. Tell the Audience Who You Are 個人化標語,加強聽眾的記憶


(1) “Broadcast Yourself.”-Youtube

(2) “Book rooms with locals rather than hotels.”-Airbnb

(3) “Eat fresh.”-Subway



First, let me introduce myself. I am (name) from (company). 

Let me start by giving you some background information.


Step 3. State the Problem and Solution 清楚的問題與解方,讓提案更有說服力 


(1) Problem 

Price is an important concern for customer booking travel online. 


Hotels leave you disconnected from the city and its culture. 


No easy way exists to book a room with a local or become a host. 


(2) Solution 

A web platform where users can rent out their space to host travelers to: 


Save money: when traveling 省旅費

Make money: when hosting 賺外快

Share culture: local connection to the city 分享文化 



We have found a way to solve... (Problems) 

We are going to deal with these problem by... (Solution)





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