這篇文章是為了經常覺得自己英文講得太複雜的人寫的,怎麼從繁入簡,我們就從「小字」開始,much (more) of…「多;比較像是……」就是個簡單又道地的小片語,會讓你的英文出現道地感,但它們太簡單,簡單到讓人容易忽略。先試試看下面這些句子,英文你會怎麼說:
下面整理出重複使用率過高的說法,和換上much (more) of 的對照:
I hope we’ll have more chances to see each other, as our two companies work toward a better future.
→ I hope to see much more of you, as our two companies work toward a better future.
第一句是我們會反射出的說法,但稍嫌冗長,又有些官方制式感;hope to see much more of you 是個比較簡潔、親切的說法。
It’s not so much that they change the project direction. It’s more about focusing on a specific issue.
→ It is much more of a case that they focus on a specific issue.
第二句的用法常會在新聞報導中聽到,在much more of 後方說出這是什麼 (a case),並且再加以詳述。第一句 more about… 是可以接受的說法,但如果是在書寫英文或是較正式的場合,這樣的用法太隨意。
I don’t understand what you’re talking about. Could you explain more?
→I can’t make much of your point. Could you explain more?
第一句也是台灣學生很擅長的講法,但殊不知它語帶挑釁、反駁:「我壓根兒聽不懂你在說什麼。」用I can’t get you. 可能還好一些。若要表達「很渾沌,似懂非懂」,can’t make much of your point 是比較好的說法。
My wife is not good at cooking.
→My wife is not much of a cook.
not good/bad at… 也是大家都用過頭的說法了。說某人不像是那塊料,not much of…也是簡單又傳神。
Does getting a soundcard really make any improvement?
→Does getting a soundcard make much of an improvement?
第一句是最安全的說法,但如果你想要再讓表達多變,make much of an improvement 就可以說出「有這麼一丁點…嗎?」同時點出 really 和 any 的含意。
1、Do they want to know every detail in the presentation?
→Do they want to know the presentation down to every last detail?
2、You should always let the listener catch some of the best sides of the product.
→You should always relate to the listener some of the best sides of the product.
3、Like I mentioned before, set the product up as something the customer needs.
→Like I touched on before, set the product up as something the customer needs.
4、She was checking to see if his work was as good as expected.
→She was checking to see if his work was up to par.