文/Claire Wang

Max在跟Don規劃下個月的行銷策略,Max滔滔不絕地對雙眼迷茫的Max解說著,最後用疑惑的眼神看著Don說了一句: See where I'm coming from?

Max: See where I'm coming from?

Don: Uh..Yea, why do you ask?? You are coming from the United States!!

Max:.....(No, you don't.)

See where I'm coming from的意思不是在問你來自哪裡,而是在說你知道我為什麼這樣說嗎?

-Do you understand what I'm saying?

-Do you understand why I'm saying this?

-Do you understand my point of view?


Catch my drift?

Are you following me?

Do you grasp the meaning (of…)?

Are we on the same page?


Branda: Mike is coming to my place tonight. So...I think it's going to happen! Do you catch my drift?

Branda: Mike今晚要來我家,所以我想有件事會發生...你懂我意思嗎?

Carrie: I don't get what you mean....

Carrie: 我聽不懂


Jones: I don't grasp the meaning of today's lesson, Eric.

Jones: Eric, 今天的課我不是很懂耶

Jones: Could you help me with my homework?

Jones: 你可以協助我完成功課嗎?


Tom: We aren't on the same page, Dave. You're totally not following.

Tom: 我們沒有達到共識,你完全沒有聽懂。

以上說了這麼多,You should know where I'm coming from.




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