con call

你覺得con-call(視訊會議,conference call的簡稱)最困難的是什麼?




1. Come in 插句話

這個聽力死角,不在於字的發音,而是字的意思。在con-call當中如果有人說:"Can I just come in here? "要以為別人剛從外面進來,這和進入無關,他的意思是"Can I add something quickly? "也就是指「可不可以插句話?」。

2. Wrap up 結束

結束,我們最熟悉的英文字是"end"或"conclude",但"wrap up"是老外較常用的片語,不只是結束,結案也用這個字,"wrap"和"up"兩個字連在一起唸,如果不熟,就會錯過這個連音。

  • 例:Good, that’s everything. So to wrap up, Jane will be in charge next week and any comments should be forwarded to her.

3、Adjourn 告一段落

這個字多半出現在閱讀文件裡,其實在正式會議當中也常出現,意思是停止,特別是指案子、會議停止。字首"a"發得很小聲,只會聽到"journ",注意"our"是發 [ɝ],不是 [ɔr],也不要和"join"搞混。

  • 例:I suggest that we adjourn now and talk about this matter next time.

4. Address 陳述

這個字我們習慣用它的名詞,意思是地址,但它的動詞解釋為「陳述」,比"talk about"還正式一些的用法。

  • 例:There are a number of issues that we need to address today.(今天我們有好幾個問題要討論。)

5. Roll call/ Call a roll 點名

"Roll"這個字老外常用,但我們的英文課本裡談到得少。老外談薪資,指整體性時,就用"payroll",當一個人"off the payroll",就是被解僱了。"Roll"的意思是名單、名冊,"do/ take a roll call"就是點名,兩個字都以"L"結尾,不太好唸。

  • 例:To begin, let's take a roll call to see who will be joining this conference.(一開始,我們先點名看看今天誰參加了這會議。)

除了"roll call",點名也可以使用"call a roll",也可以用"take attendance"

  • 例:We’re going to begin our meeting with a roll call. (我們先點名再開始會議。)
    It would be good to know who is here in terms of a quick roll call. (先點名看看誰到了。)
    What I'd like to do right now is take attendance to find out who is present and to let the other participants know who is on the line. (我現在先點名,讓各位知道誰在現場。)

6. Go by the region 按照區域

多半電話會議是跨國、跨洲的,點名時大部份按區域來,英文的說法是:It’s easier to go by the region.

7. An apology for absence 會議請假

大家都報了名字,結果有人請假,有人遲到。會議請假正式的說法是"an apology for absence",也可以簡略用"an apology"

  • 例:An apology for absence was received from Hughes. (Hughes說很抱歉他無法出席。)
    We have an apology from John, a delay from Adam. (John抱歉他不能出席,Adam會遲到。)

8. Have I missed anybody? 我漏掉誰了嗎?

有沒有不小心漏掉某人呢?這時候會議召集人(Moderator)會問:Is there anybody listening in that I haven't mentioned?(有沒有人到場但我沒點到名的呢?);或是Have I missed anybody?(我漏掉誰了嗎?)

9.  ___ is on (人名)已出席

沒被點到名的,這時可應答:Sara is on.(Sara也在。)進階一點的說法還可以用Wendy here as liaison.(Wendy也加入了。)

10. Who was that that came in? 誰剛加入嗎?

會議開到一半,突然有人加入,不知道是誰,可以問:Who was that that came in?(誰剛加入嗎?)

11. I muted that line 我關了靜音

講話講到一半,突然不知哪兒冒出音樂,就可以這樣問:I do apologize. Someone came into this call with the music playing, so I muted that line. (抱歉,突然有音樂聲,我關靜音了,現在沒事了。)

12. I just got disconnected 電話不小心斷線

有人中途不小心電話斷線了,可以用"I just got disconnected. "解釋。

  • 例:I just got disconnected. It’s Wendy. (我剛斷線了,我是Wendy。)

13. I'll be right back 我馬上回來(不得不離開)

有人向你問一個電話,剛好不在手邊,不得不離席。你可以說:I'll be away from the phone to get it. I'll be right back. (我得離席去拿,馬上回來。)

或者一會兒後必須離席:I’m sorry. I’m not going to be able to stay for more than 10 minutes. (對不起,我只能再待10分鐘。)

14. I didn’t get your last sentence 最後一句話我沒聽清楚


Sorry, I didn’t get your last sentence. You were breaking up. I guess you were asking about the deadline. (對不起,我沒聽到你最後的句子。聲音很模糊,我猜你在問截止日。)





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