(A)聯盟 (B)滿貫全壘打 (C)局數
Since "KANO" was a hit baseball movie in Taiwan recently, people have turned their attention to this sport again. The object of the game, of course, is for your team to win.
最近熱門的棒球電影”KANO”讓大家又把注意力轉移到棒球這項運動上。當然,這項比賽的目的就是 - 你所支持的隊伍贏球。
In the United States, Major League Baseball (MLB) is the official organization for the baseball game. There are two different (A) leagues: the American League and the National League. During the baseball season, each team competes with other teams in their own league but sometimes they compete with teams from the other league. At the end of the season, the winning team in each league then plays against each other during the World Series in the fall. The first team to win 4 out of 7 games is the winner. Chien-Ming Wang, the former pitcher in Yankees baseball team, was the first Asianpitcher to win Starting Pitcher of the Year in 2006.
American baseball games have created some slang, e.g., a fan with little money who wants to go to the game can only afford to buy tickets in the (1) nosebleed seats. You don't really get nosebleeds up in the highest seats but it's just referring to the cheapest seats in the stadium.
During the game, everybody gets excited when a player hits a (B) GRAND slam worth4points,( the three bases are loaded and the next batter hits a homerun.) If there are two players in a row who hit homeruns, it is called back-to-back homeruns. A solo shot is a one-point homerun.
在比賽中,只要有球員擊出4 分滿貫全壘打(滿壘之後擊出全壘打),球迷們就會很興奮。如果連續兩位打者擊出全壘打,稱為連續全壘打。一分的全壘打叫陽春全壘打。
Generally, there are 9 (C) innings per game. Each team has their turn to be up to bat and out in the field. The top half of the innings is when the visiting team bats first while the bottom half is for the home team to bat. In the middle of the 7th inning, the game stops while the fans get a chance to stretch their legs, go to the bathroom, or get snacks. This period is called (2) the seventh inning stretch. At this time, most the fans will sing the song of "Take Me out to the Ballgame." Are you interested in this song? Check out YouTube and you will be able to listen to it.
一般而言,一場比賽有九局。每支隊伍都有機會攻守。上半局客隊先攻,下半局則輪到主隊進攻。在七局中場,會有暫停時間,讓球迷們能活動一下,去上廁所,或是買零食。這個休息時間稱為七局中場休息。在這段時間內,通常所有在場的球迷都會齊唱"Take Me out to the Ballgame"這首歌。你對這首歌有興趣嗎?可以上YouTube去聽聽看喔!
The movie “KANO” showed the spirit of crossing ethnic barriers and how the players never gave up. Let’s keep our enthusiasm for our national sport. Taiwan Baseball, go fighting!!
1. Nosebleed Seats 鼻血席位;最便宜的座位
I spent too much money on buying baseball souvenirs. I only can afford to buy the nosebleed seats
now. 我花太多錢在買棒球紀念品了。現在我只能付得起買最便宜的座位。
2. The Seventh Inning Stretch 第七局中場休息
This ballgame is too exciting!! Everyone is staying in the seats during the seventh inning stretch.
這場比賽實在太精采了!! 第七局中場休息時, 所有人都留在座位上。