全球變暖以及能源短缺是當今兩個重要的議題。找到可取代的能源和再生資源是必要 的。科學家們認為,菠菜將可成為能量的來源。為什麼他們如此認為呢? 進入本文前, 請先想想怎麼表達以下單字:

a) 萃取
b) 分子
c) 高度評價

Spinach has long been known as the source of cartoon character-Popeye’s super strength, but recently a group of scientists believe that it also 1) holds the key to clean, efficient, and sustainable alternative fuel. Purdue University physicists, along with their international peers, are studying the proteins found in spinach, which convert sunlight into chemical energy.

菠菜一直被視為卡通人物-大力水手卜派的超級力量來源,最近有一群科學家認為,它也是未汙染的,節能,和具持久性的關鍵替代燃料。普渡大學的物理學家,以及它們 的國際團隊正在研究在菠菜中發現的蛋白質,可將太陽能轉化成化學能。

“The proteins we study are part of the most efficient system ever built, 2) capable of converting the energy from the sun into chemical energy with an unrivaled 60 percent efficiency” says Purdue assistant professor of physic Yulia Pushkar. Pushkar further states that understanding how this system works is critical for creating artificial photosynthesis.

“我們研究的蛋白質是有史以來最有效的系統,能夠將太陽能轉換成百分之六十無可取 代的化學能,” 普渡大學助理教授物理學家尤利婭·普什卡普說。普什卡進一步指出,了 解該系統如何運作是創造人工光合作用的關鍵。

Photosynthesis is the process in which plants utilize sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into energy. If scientists could harness the power of photosynthesis, mankind would have access to an effective, efficient, and renewable energy source.


To study how the spinach plant executes photosynthesis, Pushkar’s students would first purchase spinach at a supermarket and then a) extract the key protein complex. The extraction process is extremely complicated, and must be performed over two days during which the spinach samples are kept cold and shielded from light.


Once the proteins have been extracted, the team would then excite them with lasers (which serve to imitate the sun). During this time, the team would then study how the b) molecular structure changes over time 3) in response to the exposure to better understand the process.

一旦蛋白質被提取出來,該團隊就會以雷射光刺激他們(此舉為模仿太陽光)。在此 期間,該團隊可研究分子結構如何隨著時間變化, 在受到大量的光照之下所產生的轉 變以更好地了解整個人工光合作用的過程 。

The international team revealed their findings in the c) highly esteemed scientific journal Nature. The findings will probably soon lead to alternative energy someday.

該國際研究小組在具有高度評價的科學期刊 “自然” 上發表他們的發現。這發現將可能 很快導致替代能源來臨的一天。


  1. Hold the key to 掌控,支配
    Data holds the key to customer-centric marketing. 數據支配以客戶為導向的市場依 據 。Education holds the key to Africa’s development. 教育對非洲的發展很重要。

  2. Capable of 有能力
    He is capable of doing the job. 他有勝任這個工作的能力。Our company is capable of helping people all over the world. 我們公司有能力幫助世界各地的人。

  3. in response to 對... 做出反應或回應
    This is in response to your letter of 10th August. 這是針對你 8 月 10 日信件的回覆。 In response to new trends, the CEO has decided to move production to China. 為因應 趨勢,執行長決定將產品移到中國。 




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