很多專業人士特別是在外商工作的人,如需離開辦公室一段時間,像是請假或休假,習慣在郵件上設定好"out of office message"這樣的message原來是專業體貼的一種表現,但如果犯了些小錯誤,反而會留下壞印象。網路上流傳一則訊息,有個人要休假,寫了一封郵件自動回覆信件,內容是:
"I'm taking my compensation leave going to South Africa. If it is urgent, you can contact my secretary, Ms. XXX at OOOOOO. If it is non-urgent, you can send it to..... Thank you."
1.說了太私人的訊息:compensation leave(補休)或South Africa (南非)這類與公事無關的事不需要在郵件中透露。
2.if it is urgent/non-urgent語意含糊, it指的到底為何,讓人摸不著頭緒?
寫專業的out-of-office message其實不難,只要記住以下三個步驟:
Thank you for your email.(謝謝來信。)
Thank you for your message.(謝謝你的訊息。)
You have reached the mailbox of Jason Wang.(你已寄件給Jason Wang。)
I am currently out of the office with limited access to email.(我目前不在,不方便使用郵件。)
I will be back on Nov. 25, 2015. Please refer all urgent matters to Ms. Jane Chen at the following email address [OOO].(我將於2015年11月25日回來。有急事請找陳小姐,她的郵件是[OOO]。)
Our office is closed today due to a national holiday. I will be back in the office tomorrow and will reply to your email as soon as possible.(因國定假日我們公司今天不上班,我明天進辦公室會儘快回覆您的訊息。)
第三步:結尾,簡單的sign off
Regards, (your name)
Kind regards, (your name)
Thank you for your message. Best regards, (your name)
Regards, Kind regards和Best regards意思都差不多,regards是致上問候,有了kind和best或親切的問候、最好的問候。