澳洲老闆是世界上數一數二沒架子的,正好和華人世界的價值觀大相徑庭,受歡迎的澳洲老闆們多半不開名貴跑車,而是戴著一頂安全帽,騎自行車通勤上班;無論階級,辦公室的每個人也不以職等或姓氏相稱,這樣扁平化的管理模式,還有哪些Fun Facts。
I know that if you ring up and address me by my title, I'll think: 'That's very nice, but please can't we get away from that - it makes me feel uncomfortable'. Whereas if we were in England, America, Hong Kong or Singapore, for example, the title would be absolutely necessary until the senior person says: 'Let's give that up, my name is Fred'.
— Roland Sussex from the University of Queensland's School of Languages and Comparative Studies
在澳洲無論你是前輩還是新人,一律都叫彼此的first name,如果你不小心叫成對方的姓氏例如:"Mrs. Smith" 還會被要求改叫名字"Sarah"就好了。
澳洲人交換名片的時候,不至於到一定要把自己的名片朝上,恭恭敬敬遞給對方,可以單手傳給對方,說一句"Here's my card."就可以了。
Socializing after work
While you could easily find friends and colleagues to eat dinner with you after (or during!) work in Taiwan, this is not the case in Australia. Eating out is reserved mostly for special occasions because of the expense, and eating out more than twice a week is considered a luxury.
Cooking and eating at home is the norm. It's common for Australians to plan their weekly, or twice-weekly, trip to the supermarket and buy all the ingredients needed for home-cooked meals for the next few days. So, if you suddenly call a friend or ask a colleague for dinner, the answer is likely no because they will have already planned their dinner. How do people find the time to cook every night, you ask? Well, they're out of the office by 6pm most nights!
Socializing with colleagues still occurs though. Going down to the pub and having a beer is a big part of Australian culture, even on weekdays. If you walk down a trendy, busy street in the city from 5pm, you'll be greeted by people dressed in suits in deep discussion and laughter. And then they'll go home for dinner!
本文收錄於英語島English Island 2018年4月號