
California fires: New evacuations ordered for Santa Rosa

Several thousand more people were ordered on Saturday to evacuate from the city of Santa Rosa as a new wildfire threatened the area. This was six days after deadly fires started to devastate the region.

Police said evacuations were ordered Saturday morning for areas in northeastern Santa Rosa, a city roughly 50 miles northwest of San Francisco.

A large part of the city was evacuated earlier when wildfires began moving through Northern California on October 8. Since then, at least 39 people have died.

The fire threatening Santa Rosa was a new fire that started on Friday along Highway 12 between two other wildfires that have been burning for days.

The wind-driven fires have been fast and ruthless, moving and destroying thousands of buildings. They spread so fast that many residents and first responders were caught off guard.

The outbreak of wildfires has become one of the deadliest in California’s history. More than 200 people have been reported missing.



devastate (v.) = to destroy or ruin; to cause someone to become very shocked or sad

evacuation (n.) = the action of removing people from a place

wildfire (n.) = a large fire that spreads quickly over land

ruthless (adj.) = showing to pity or compassion

“catch off guard” = to surprise someone




導讀人:Cassie Hwang

畢業自聖路易斯華盛頓大學 (Washington University in St. Louis),擅長調整學生說英文時的抑、揚、頓、挫,以及如何在英語表達中,選擇精準詞彙與強調敘事語氣。




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